

The Ninth Admonishment

The only path to welfare in this world and in the hereafter is worship of the great God
The only path to welfare in this world and in the hereafter is worship of the great God. And the worship rests with abandoning of sins in believes and deeds. All of us, the youngers and the elders, should know that the only path to welfare in this world and in the hereafter is worship of the great ...

The Seventh Admonishment:

“Invite to Allah by means other than your tongues.”
In His name, the Exalted. There are some people who treat admonishment and speech which is a prerequisite for appropriate action as goal. As if they should only say and listen for the sake of saying and listening. This is wrong. The act of teaching and learning is meant for practical action and it i...

The Fourth Admonishment

If there is someone in the home then one letter is enough
In His name, the Exalted. “گفتم که الف ، گفت دگر ، گفتم هیچ                              در خانه اگر کس است یک حرف بس است” [i.e. I said A, he said: anything more, I said: nothing because if there is someone in the home then one letter is enough.]...