Fortunate is he who sees his own faults, and pays attention to his own vices, ignores other’s faults, and does not see himself as perfect and without defects.
Those whom, like the prophets, have been appointed to preaching, and carry out their work without any favors and obligations, God knows best what ranks they hold! Of course, this is only if the scholar is aware of the do's and don’ts and himself practices that which he encourages and forbids.
In His name, the Exalted.
There are some people who treat admonishment and speech which is a prerequisite for appropriate action as goal. As if they should only say and listen for the sake of saying and listening. This is wrong. The act of teaching and learning is meant for practical action and it i...
Someone who believes in the Creator and the creatures; believes in all the prophets and the deputies and is in touch with them doctrinally and practically; moves and stops according to their guidelines; makes his heart free of anyone other than Allah in his worships; offers his prayers, on which eve...
How much of God's mercy is for those who are not indifferent and pray and cry for the relief of Muslims and believers from the afflictions that befall them.
If we remain indifferent and do not pray for the relief of believers from the troubles and afflictions encountered by them, those afflictions will get closer to us also.
The poor should have patience in poverty and destitution, and they should know that they have other bounties that the rich do not have, and that the rich have difficulties and afflictions that the poor and the destitute do not have.
It is impossible for one who does not take to contentment to be satisfied with that which he has! On the other hand, if one is content, his needs shall be fulfilled, even if they are a lot!