Remembrance of Allah


The fifth admonishment

No Zekr is above practical Zekr.
In His name, the Exalted. No Zekr (remembrance) is above practical Zekr. No practical Zekr is above abandoning disobedience in believes and practice. Apparently, to leave disobedience absolutely does not take place without continuous Moraqabah (watchfulness). May Allah make us successful. The servan...

The Fourth Admonishment

If there is someone in the home then one letter is enough
In His name, the Exalted. “گفتم که الف ، گفت دگر ، گفتم هیچ                              در خانه اگر کس است یک حرف بس است” [i.e. I said A, he said: anything more, I said: nothing because if there is someone in the home then one letter is enough.]...

The Third Admonishment:

He has no need for faith of his servants
In His name, the Exalted. We all know that – despite God is essentially Self-Sufficient and He has no need for faith of his servants and its requisites – Allah’s pleasure is in this that His servants always remain intimate to Him. Thus, we know that due to the servants’ need for intimation to the Or...