Those who have been brought close (to God) fear their downfall, and not only hellfire, “Suppose that I am able to endure Your chastisement, how will I endure separation from You?”[A phrase from Dua al-Kumayl].
Afflictions are repelled by Sadaqah, even though they may be strongly in place. This decrease (in wealth) is a cause for increase; it increases sustenance.
May God grant us Divine Assistance so that we do not leave that which is certain, and only abide by that which is certain in all circumstances, whilst travelling, and when at home, for this will never bring regret.
Some regard reliance (on God) as sustenance for themselves, and in fact, such individuals are rich. They have come to understand that if they rely on God, their sustenance will reach them, and if it doesn’t reach, they realize that it was not necessary.
If you reform yourself and get rid of the obstacles between you and God, the prophets and His close servants, then God will reform (the relationships) between you and the people.
We must know that our cure in all stages is self-reform, such that we will never be needless of it, and without it, the difficulties of our affairs will never be solved.