The religiosity of a person comes to be known when he finds himself choosing between the world or the hereafter, and obeying satan and the self or serving God.
What do we know! God knows that some afflictions are the prerequisite of some blessings. Someone would say, "I got afflicted with such and such a difficulty and it increased my knowledge.”
Someone who believes in the Creator and the creatures; believes in all the prophets and the deputies and is in touch with them doctrinally and practically; moves and stops according to their guidelines; makes his heart free of anyone other than Allah in his worships; offers his prayers, on which eve...
You can prove the principles of religion with the light of intellect. Those who are against (intellectual) principles and intellectual reasoning are promoting anti-religionism, because "There is no religion for the one who has no intellect."
How much of God's mercy is for those who are not indifferent and pray and cry for the relief of Muslims and believers from the afflictions that befall them.
May God grant us the Tawfeeq (Divine Assistance) that if we are caught in the midst of afflictions and tests, we do not see the bad as good and the good as bad. We are spoiled; may it be such that we realize that we are spoiled, so that we begin thinking about reforming and curing ourselves.
If we remain indifferent and do not pray for the relief of believers from the troubles and afflictions encountered by them, those afflictions will get closer to us also.
May it be such that worldly materials be only a means for us, in a way that if the world welcomes us, it causes us to pay more attention to spirituality and the Hereafter.