The purpose of creation is servitude, "I did not create the Jinn and Humans except that they may worship Me,"[Surah adh-Dhariyaat (51): 54] and the reality of servitude is refraining from sins in belief, which is the act of the heart, and in acts of the body.
If we want our perfection, and ourselves we must be God's friend! And if we are God's friend, we must be the friend of the intermediaries of blessings from the Prophet and his progeny. Thus, the alchemy of prosperity is the remembrance of God, and He is the driving force of the muscles towards the c...
Tawfeeq (divine assistance) has nothing to do with wealth, poverty, sleep, and wakefulness. It sometimes happens that one is wealthy but not successful at doing good, and sometimes even little income is full of grace and blessings.
God never sends afflictions without wisdom; rather, he sends it for us to pray and supplicate. Therefore, for relief from these, supplicating is necessary, and humility at his threshold is desirable.
Intellect, reason, perspicacity, and intelligence in mundane and religious affairs help earn the pleasure of God. These understandings rescue man from the disasters of this world and the punishment of the Hereafter!
It is very rare for someone’s life to be in line with his desires. All worldly pleasures are accompanied with numerous grievances. If one accepts and looks at the world in this way, he would become less upset because of the evils of his spouse and neighbors, for he would not expect more from this wo...
Divine Guidance and Jihad of the servants, each has a degree. Each degree of Jihad and effort of the servant brings about a degree of divine guidance.
May it be such that certainty becomes man’s sustenance! How great it is for man to be in peace with regards to the thought of sustenance, for anxiety and worry is worse than the trouble of working. One who is afflicted with worry for his sustenance, works day and night, and is always bothered about ...