در مجموع « 538 » مورد یافت شد.

The First Admonishment

One who recognizes God obeys him and deals with him
In the name of Allah, the most merciful the most beneficent Praise be only for Allah, and blessings be upon the leader of the prophets, Mohammad and his progeny, the leaders, deputies, the pure ones; and continuous curse be upon their enemies from the early ones and the latter ones....
His Words

Acquiring the presence of heart

Recommended acts as well as offering prayers in congregation
Q: Please tell us how the presence of heart is acquired. A: In the Name of the Most High – If what is meant is the presence of heart, then it is acquired by offering supererogatory prayers, and recommended acts, as well as offering prayers in congregation. The presence of heart is acquired by not pr...
His Words

Seeking the intercession of the Imam before prayers

Reforming the prayers means reforming its apparent as well as its inner reality
Reforming the prayers means reforming its apparent as well as its inner reality, and refraining from apparent and hidden evils. Amongst the ways of reforming prayers is seeking the intercession of the Imam seriously, just before starting the prayers. ...
Political Issues from Ayatollah Bahjat

As long as the Quran is in the hands of Muslims

The Quran must be translated into a language other than Arabic
I heard that in a parliament session in France a representative picked up a Quran and said: “As long as this book is in the hands of Muslims we will not be able to rule over them.” This is confirmed by the fact that 300 years ago one of the leaders of an Islamic faction stated in an agreement: “The ...
Political Issues from Ayatollah Bahjat

The role of superpowers and occupiers in ruling over Muslims

They plan to make the people think negatively about the scholars
One of the plans of the disbelievers is to separate sons and daughters from their parents and to separate the people from the scholars. They plan to make the people think negatively about the scholars even by having people wear the clothes of scholars and perform actions of disobedience out in the o...

The Second Admonishment:

There is no success for me but by Allah
In His name, the exalted. I ask those who seek admonishment: whether they have acted upon the admonishments they have heard until now or not? Do you know that whosoever acts upon what he knows, God converts from him the unknown into known? Whether is it suitable for a person who deliberately does kn...

The Third Admonishment:

He has no need for faith of his servants
In His name, the Exalted. We all know that – despite God is essentially Self-Sufficient and He has no need for faith of his servants and its requisites – Allah’s pleasure is in this that His servants always remain intimate to Him. Thus, we know that due to the servants’ need for intimation to the Or...
His Words

Presence of heart during prayers

Keep all our senses under control during the twenty-four hours
One of the factors for acquiring the presence of heart during prayers is to keep all our senses under control during the twenty-four hours, in order to provide the basis for the acquisition of the presence of heart. Throughout the day, we must keep our eyes, ears, and all our other parts under contr...
His Words

Carrying out our responsibilities in the best way

Carry out your deeds with all the conditions for the presence of heart
Q: I would like to understand and perceive all the Zikr (invocations) and witness the light and perceive it, in order to be able to walk with that light! A: In the Name of the Most High – Carry out your deeds with all the conditions for the presence of heart, what they will give you in reward has no...

The Fourth Admonishment

If there is someone in the home then one letter is enough
In His name, the Exalted. “گفتم که الف ، گفت دگر ، گفتم هیچ                              در خانه اگر کس است یک حرف بس است” [i.e. I said A, he said: anything more, I said: nothing because if there is someone in the home then one letter is enough.]...
His Words

A loving circumambulation on the basis of the Qur'an and Ahl al-Bayt

May there arise within us love for the entire Qur’an, and Ahl al-Bayt
May there arise within us love for the entire Qur’an, and Ahl al-Bayt, so that primarily, we are able to find the oneness of the Qur'an and Ahl al-Bayt and the confected composite of the two; and secondly, at the level of following and acting upon them, we perform a loving circumambulation on their ...