
The Prayers of the Father

The Twenty-fifth Story

Except his little grandson, Mahmoud, nobody could disturb him; he did not like his thoughts being interrupted.
Mahmoud came in and went straight to the bookshelf. As soon as Ayatollah Bahjat saw him, he put aside his book and responded to his Salam.
Mahmoud picked up a large book, opened it in the middle of the room, lying on his stomach on the ground and putting his hand under his chin.
He was holding the book upside down!
Ayatollah Bahjat said, “What are you doing?”
Mahmoud said very seriously, “Shh! I am studying!”
Ayatollah Bahjat smiled.
Mahmoud also got up and left the room, as if his mission was to make him smile!
He was easygoing with small children.
As long as he was at home, they ruled the house,
and nobody dared to get angry with them.
He kept saying, “Children are innocent. That is why we are attracted to them.”
Every day he advised children to recite the Quranic chapters Tawhid, Nas, Falaq, and Kafirun as well as Ayatul-Kursi.
He also prayed for them as follows:
“O’ Allah! Include him in Your well-fortified protection which You give to anyone You will.”

Source: a memory shared by Hujjatul-Islam Ali Bahjat

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