<h1>The Greatness of Crying for Imam Hussain, peace be upon him</h1>
<h1>The Reward for Visiting Imam Hussain, peace be upon him</h1>
<h1>Biography of Ayatollah Bahjat</h1>

Intention in Marsiyahs

In the middle of Imam Hussain’s mourning session, somebody rose to leave.
I got distracted!
I told him, “Wait till the Marsiyeh is over.”
When the mourning session finished,
Ayatollah Bahjat called me. I went to him, who said,
“Let people leave the session whenever they want to.”
During Marsiyeh, focus on Imam Hussain not on people.
When you recite for the 3rd Imam, you will surely experience its joy.

Source: a memory by the Marsiya reciter of Ayatollah Bahjat’s mosque




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