His Risalah

The Fourth Story

His Risalah (Book of Islamic Laws) was published seven times under no name, and he did not let his name to be written. When we insisted and he agreed, he only allowed us to write, "The servant of God, Mohammad Taqi Bahjat" of course, reluctantly.
When his treatise on Hajj was published, his name was referred to as “Ayatollah Bahjat” in the book. He rebuked us strongly in the presence of great religious scholars.
When his Risalah was published, one day he came to me and said,
"O’ Ali! You can be whoever you want to!
You can be Hujjatul-Islam, if you want to!
You can be Ayatollah, if you want to!
You can be Grand Ayatollah, if you want to!
You can be Marja', if you want to!
No problem if you want to be the most learned jurist.
Your father is nothing more than an ordinary seminary student."
He would say, "I do not want you to say a word about me or God forbids, to publicize my Risalah or to attract anybody to me. When all scholars distributed their Risalahs, if anyone asked for my Risalah and insisted on his request, you can give it to him."

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