
His Teachers

Grand Ayatollah Hajj Sheikh Muhammad Kadhim Shirazi

He was born in the yerar 1873 in Shiraz
     He was born in the yerar 1873 in the city of Shiraz. He was honored by making the pilgrimage to the holy sites in Iraq in the company of his parents in 1883 and resided in the holy city of Karbala where he started learning Arabic. His parents returned to Shiraz two years later, but he remained ...
His Teachers

Grand Ayatollah Gharawi Isfahani

He was born in the city of Kadhimiya on the second of Muharram of 1296 A.H.
Allamah Sayyid Muhammad Hussain Isfahani, who is famous as "Kompani", was one of the prominent mutjahids and great authorities of his time. He was a man of fiqh, who was unique according to many in all times. The Sayyid was born in the city of Kadhimiya on the second of Muharram of 1296 A.H. coincid...
His Teachers

Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Abul Hassan Isfahani

He was born in Madisah village, Isfahan in the year 1868.
    Ayatollah Sayyid Abul Hassan Isfahani was born in Madisah village, one of the villages of Lanjan, district of the city of Isfahan in the year 1868. He completed his primary studies in the Nimarud School in Isfahan where he was taught by Mirza Abul Ma'ali Kalbasi, benefiting greatly from him. He...