Is it possible that we feel the need for praying for the difficulties of the believers in the same manner, or even more than we feel the need for bread and water at the time of hunger and thirst?
It is good that man has his name written in every noble act and take part in it, for he does not know which one will be accepted and which one rejected on the Day of Judgment!
In His name, the Exalted.
“گفتم که الف ، گفت دگر ، گفتم هیچ در خانه اگر کس است یک حرف بس است”
[i.e. I said A, he said: anything more, I said: nothing because if there is someone in the home then one letter is enough.]...
For the ease of obedience and avoidance of sins, we have no other way than to know and be certain of the fact that obedience is the nearness to all bounties, pleasures, wealth, and honor whilst sinfulness is privation, displeasure, destitution and dishonor […].
These apparent and easy deeds such as prayers help some ascend to the Heavens; and for some it is nothing! For some, it is the A'la Elliyeen (the highest of the Heavens), whilst others cannot understand if this confection is salty or sweet!
Q: I would like to understand and perceive all the Zikr (invocations) and witness the light and perceive it, in order to be able to walk with that light!
A: In the Name of the Most High – Carry out your deeds with all the conditions for the presence of heart, what they will give you in reward has no...