
Comfortable at Sickness

The Forty-Seventh Story

I was told that Ayatollah Bahjat did not feel good at all.
I went to his house,
and examined him.
He was quite conscious.
He recognized me, called me by my name, inquiring after me.
He even repeated the words he told me five years ago.
However, I was cautious and said that he had to be hospitalized.
An hour later, I was called from the hospital,
He had been taken to ICU immediately.
Soon after, they said that Ayatollah Bahjat passed way.
I was baffled!

How come there was no sign of suffering, pain and severe illness in his face?
How comfortable he was!

That event was not consistent with all my experiences and medical knowledge.
If his medical condition was so bad, how could he pay attention to everyone and everything?!
How come there was no sign of suffering, pain and severe illness in his face?
How comfortable he was!

Source: A memory shared by his doctor


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