From the verse ‘Indeed the prayer restrains from indecent and wrongful conduct,’ it is learnt that ‘one who does not refrain from unworthy acts, his prayers are not the true prayers.’
Q; What should we do for being successful at offering night prayers?
A: If it is not achieved by taking efforts at reciting the last verse of Sura Kahf, then it should be offered in the first half of the night (i.e. before midnight).
The standing of a servant during prayers is the sign of servitude and tranquility, and that he has no movement from his own self, and Sajdah is the epitome of humility.
Q: Please tell us how the presence of heart is acquired.
A: In the Name of the Most High – If what is meant is the presence of heart, then it is acquired by offering supererogatory prayers, and recommended acts, as well as offering prayers in congregation. The presence of heart is acquired by not pr...
Q: Please give us instructions for acquiring the presence of heart and concentration in prayers.
A: In the Name of the Most High – The moment you realize, do not give up optionally.
Reforming the prayers means reforming its apparent as well as its inner reality, and refraining from apparent and hidden evils. Amongst the ways of reforming prayers is seeking the intercession of the Imam seriously, just before starting the prayers.
Perhaps the wisdom behind repeating prayers, other than consolidation, is wayfaring such that every prayer is better than the previous one and the previous prayer paves the way for the next prayer.
Prayers is the best time for meeting and being in the presence of God. Prayers have been established for submission and humility with all its stages.