Sayyid Mohammad Hussain Gharawi Isfahani

Memories by others

Ayatollah Bahjat before Reaching Adolescence

During his studies, and shortly before reaching adolescence, he paid attention to self-cultivation and moral perfection. He therefore, kept looking for a teacher of manners to embrace and cultivate him since residing in Karbala. He heard about Sayyid Ali Qazi Tabatabai, may God bless his soul, being...

Teaching And Studying at the Same Time

He used to teach at his house in order to avoid fame
Ayatollah Bahjat used to teach the high Sutooh in Najaf al-Ashraf when he was attending classes of major Ayatollah such Isfahani, al-Kompani and al-Shirazi. In other words, he used to teach and study at the same time, and this was his habit even after his migration to the holy city of Qom. As regard...