The Shrine of Imam Ali

His Teachers

Grand Ayatollah Gharawi Isfahani

He was born in the city of Kadhimiya on the second of Muharram of 1296 A.H.
Allamah Sayyid Muhammad Hussain Isfahani, who is famous as "Kompani", was one of the prominent mutjahids and great authorities of his time. He was a man of fiqh, who was unique according to many in all times. The Sayyid was born in the city of Kadhimiya on the second of Muharram of 1296 A.H. coincid...
Memories by others

Ayatollah Bahjat before Reaching Adolescence

During his studies, and shortly before reaching adolescence, he paid attention to self-cultivation and moral perfection. He therefore, kept looking for a teacher of manners to embrace and cultivate him since residing in Karbala. He heard about Sayyid Ali Qazi Tabatabai, may God bless his soul, being...