
The Last Day

The Forty-Eighth Story

Ayatollah Bahjat has not come to lead the congregation prayers for two days,
I was worried.
I went to where he lived several times.
I could not get any news.
I did not want to cause any inconvenience.
I turned on the radio ...
I remembered the cameraman’s words;
He said, “Ayatollah Bahjat has never done this ...
Friday, Ordibehesht 25, was the last time I filmed the mourning session held by Ayatollah Bahjat for Imam Hussain,
I turned the camera towards him, he slowly raised his head, turned towards the camera, raised his hand as if to wave us goodbye.
My heart sank ...

The radio host was speaking
Suddenly they ended the program!
They played recitation of the Quran.
"O soul at peace! (Fajr, 27)...
I went back to Ayatollah Bahjat’s house ...
When I arrived,
I sighed deeply ...

Source: A memory shared by a member of his office.

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