
Worshiping at Old Age

The Thirty-first Story

I had thought when he got older, he would perform fewer acts of worship and took some rest.
He got 90 years old, and not only his worship did not decrease his worship of Allah, but he also became more fond of it.
If there was a work to be done, he would never reduce his acts of worship for it.
He ate and slept less in order to have enough time for worship.
Hours before dawn, he woke up and got engaged in saying prayers and seeking Allah’s forgiveness.
Till breakfast, he worshipped Allah 5 or 6 hours, depending on the season.
His Zuhr and Asr prayers with supplication which is recommended to be recited after them also lasted for two and a half hours. He also spent three and a half hours on Maghrib and Isha prayers, supplication and prayers which are recommended to be performed after them.
After his demise, I calculated the hours he spent worshipping Allah; about eleven to twelve hours a day.
With these long hours of worship, he still had enough time to study, teach, and take care of the family; none remained neglected.
Now that I think again, I understand that when he said,
“I don’t have enough time,”
he was right.

Source: a memory shared by Hujjatul-Islam Ali Bahjat.

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