
His Words

The alchemy of prosperity

We must be God's friend!
If we want our perfection, and ourselves we must be God's friend! And if we are God's friend, we must be the friend of the intermediaries of blessings from the Prophet and his progeny. Thus, the alchemy of prosperity is the remembrance of God, and He is the driving force of the muscles towards the c...
His Words

The necessity of moving through the right path

We do not want to progress and reach perfection
Sometimes we do not act upon the explicit and easy commands of jurisprudence that we are already aware of, and then we go to teachers of ethics and spirituality to ask for heavy Zikrs (invocations) and matters heavier and greater than what we need… This indicates that we do not want to progress and ...
His Words

The reason behind our having fallen behind

Scholars of the past were committed to Mustahabbaat!
It appears that the reason behind our having fallen behind is in our neglecting Mustahabbaat! Scholars of the past were committed to Mustahabbaat, such as Ziarah, Du’a, recitation of the Qur'an, offering prayers on time, and avoiding the Makruhaat, such as sleeping before sunrise. ...
His Words

The steps to progress and success

To recite the Qur'an in its proper manner
One of the other responsibilities, along with all the other struggles, is to recite the Qur'an in its proper manner (i.e. in the way it is worthy to be read), such that we learn something new in every recitation. We must also benefit from each of our prayers more than before, rather than just repeat...